<![CDATA[Symphony of Spirit - Blog]]>Fri, 10 May 2024 12:44:21 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[New Video Log Series 3-5 minutes of spiritual perspective]]>Fri, 10 May 2024 17:13:18 GMThttp://symphonyofspirit.com/blog/new-video-log-series-3-5-minutes-of-spiritual-perspective
<![CDATA[Truth And Transparency]]>Thu, 25 Aug 2022 21:46:45 GMThttp://symphonyofspirit.com/blog/truth-and-transparencyUniversal Truth Reflected Both Within And Without
For those on the path of self-realization and God/Source realization, it helps to understand the All-pervasive nature of the Absolute Truth / Supreme Personality of Godhead. Godhead is accessible on the spiritual level in various degrees, revealed gradually by the corresponding degrees of purity of one's heart. It's is from one's purified heart, that one's spiritual vision is revealed.
From one's spiritual vision, one can appreciate that all energy coming from universal Source, has the signature of Godhead energy embedded within. This is true even when contemplating the "material" world around us.

Although matter is lifeless, it can still reflect higher truth, because all matter emanates from a higher truth. Just like heat and light both come from fire or the sun, so living spirit and lifeless matter also come from a single energetic Source/Godhead.

Living In A Upside Down World

A common saying in spiritual circles is "As above, so below". Another way of putting it, is that life in this material world, is a perverted reflection of life in the spiritual world. Why a "perverted" reflection? Because everyone generally sees the world from a "me first" perspective, in competition with others in a me-first-mode. Godhead or Source who is actually the center of creation and proprietor of the universe as it's creator, is either denied or sidelined in favor of one's own lust, anger and greed to get ahead.

Transparency Of Truth

Truth can be taken as a "thing". With training one can see through this "thing" transparently, to observe different levels of reality; namely higher and lower, or real and illusory. Sometime we can see this transparent truth, reflected in matter.
In the following photos, one can observe the glass on a dining table, as a thing of transparent truth.

In this photo, one can see through the glass tabletop.
In this photo, one can see the table in a room which has wooden beams above it. One can also see the reflected truth of "As above, so below"

What has changed the original transparency of the glass, is one's angle of vision, and the reflection of light.
Without the broader vision of the room's environment, and light of knowledge, one with tunnel vision might thing that the table top was made of wooden slats and beams, as seen in the photo below of the glass table top, from a different angle.

Seeing Is Not Always Believing

With imperfect senses, discerning truth is not always easy. What we might see as beautiful or attractive, might turn out to be just the opposite upon closer inspection - be it a thing or a person. We are subject to many types of illusion, mostly because we can be hell-bent on selfish desires, not caring for the beauty and divinity of all things as manifested by a loving Source.

If those willing to go beyond and see the divine in everything, it takes knowledge and practice, and by God's grace from within the heart, one's vision will start to transcend and see matter and spirit in a whole new light and perspective.

Truth In Music And Art

In the Vedic texts, it is described that one can be like the honeybee - finding nectar in numerous  blossoming flowers.

Here is a bit of old-school wisdom from some young kids of the day.
<![CDATA[Birthing Service of Eternity, Knowledge, and Bliss]]>Wed, 25 May 2022 06:29:09 GMThttp://symphonyofspirit.com/blog/birthing-service-of-eternity-knowledge-and-blissBirthday Thoughts and Wishes
At 11:00pm tonight, May 24, 2022, the sun reached 9 degrees 51 minutes of Taurus in the Sidereal Zodiac in Southern California; a marker in time, noting it has been 68 years almost to the minute, since I took my first breath on planet earth.
What we do know about time, at least as far as every individual goes, is that everyone has a certain amount of time in the body; from the time we are born and inhale our first life-sustaining breath, until the time we exhale our last.
Aside from this bigger picture, the time from birth to the finish line of death of the mortal body, is also on a time-driven pace, non-stop. So when stopping to think about it, the fact is, that there are certain aspects of our lives, that we have absolutely no control over. This realization could frighten or enrage a person's false ego or bodily sense of self. We are convinced that one's physical body is all that is real, but time doesn't stop, or ask for our permission to take it's own course.
The point of stating the obvious, is that by cultivating knowledge of both matter and spirit, one can become perfectly peaceful and fearless, in spite of the chaos and limitations one may be faced with day by day, year by year, or minute by minute.

It takes practice, but what better use do we have of our limited time on earth, than to devote at least some time to spiritual realization by one's method of personal choice? Money, houses, yachts, pets and family will be left behind at death's door (if they don't leave us first), but spiritual progress accompanies each soul at the time of death when moving into new situations dictated by material nature.
In the Vedic culture, it is said that real knowledge means to understand what is matter, what is spirit, and who is the controller of both. As sparks of the Supreme Spirit, each person has some infintesimal control of one's life, but that measure of control is infintesimal compared to the bigger picture and the infinite control of the Supreme Creator / Source.
The body of the Supreme Person, is not material. It is made of eternity, knowledge and bliss. As sparks of that Supreme, each soul is of the same non-material, transcendent essence - not the earth, water, fire, air and ether that constitutes one's material body, and the material universe. The life force that animates the body, and animates the universe, is of that same non-material spiritual energy, known as Brahman - the energy underlying and inter-connecting all energies, both material and spiritual.
The Source of all that is - namely matter, spirit and personal consciousness, is called Parambrahman. Each living being has a relationship with that Supreme Source, Parambrahman, based on active, reciprocal unconditional loving service. That relationship is dormant within everyone, and just has to be remembered, and re-surfaced from within one's heart.

One of the best ways to reconnect to one's inherent spiritual nature and identity, is by hearing about spiritual subject matters. Along with remembering and discussing spiritual truth, offering prayers and chanting holy mantras is another powerful way to reconnect to God's presence within and without.
One's free will is God-given - so naturally specific prayers and service can be of one's choice and cultural preference. Traditions can unite, when promoting service and love of Godhead as a common treasured goal.

One especially powerful mantra, or Maha-Mantra for this age of quarrel and hypocrisy, asks Source/Godhead, for devoted to be engaged in divine service, by the Lords own energy.

This 16 word prayer mantra is:

Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare
Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare

In Bhagavad Gita As It Is (free online at Prabhupadabooks.com) Sri Krishna advised his friend and student Arjuna the following:

BG 2.13
Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be.

That very ancient science of the relationship with the Supreme is today told by Me to you because you are My devotee as well as My friend; therefore you can understand the transcendental mystery of this science.

BG 4.5
The Blessed Lord said: Many, many births both you and I have passed. I can remember all of them, but you cannot, O subduer of the enemy!

Bg 4.9
One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.

BG 7.7

O conquerer of wealth [Arjuna], there is no Truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread.

BG 7.19
After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare.

BG 10.10-11

To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me. Out of compassion for them, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance.

BG 18.54
One who is thus transcendentally situated at once realizes the Supreme Brahman. He never laments nor desires to have anything; he is equally disposed to every living entity. In that state he attains pure devotional service unto Me.
<![CDATA[As It Is]]>Mon, 20 Sep 2021 22:51:26 GMThttp://symphonyofspirit.com/blog/as-it-is

Bhagavad Gita - The Song of God - As It Is

The wisdom of the Bhagava Gita is timeless; eternal. Written 5,000 years ago in the same Sanskrit language we see today, it is the same the original sacred texts, passed down for thousands of years.

Translated with explanations (purports) by A.C. Bhativedanta Swami Prabhupada and presented to the western world in the 1960's it is a gift from a deep and pure follower of the lineage of spiritual masters stretching back to Sri Krishna Himself. Prabhupada passes down unadulterated knowledge regarding the essence of life and the purpose of each individual being; that is to remember and reconnect one's loving relationship to the Supreme / God / Universal Truth.

God is a person who understands all languages, and has many names and forms, all for the expansion of love between Godhead and all of His expanded sons and daughters. Krishna's first expansion is Sri Radha who is non-different from God also - manifesting the divine feminine aspect of Godhead as His expanded pleasure potency. Sri Radha is the internal divine energy that engages one in divine service, and is addressed as Hare, in the Hare Krishna mantra:

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare

"Oh my Lord (Krishna as the form of God who is all-attractive) Rama (the Source of all strength and happiness), please engage me in your loving service.

This non-sectarian mantra/prayer is highly recommended in the present age, to free the mind and open the heart to God - the same Supreme Lord who sits in everyone's heart as a witness, friend and benefactor, who responds to each person/spirit soul from within and without.

A free copy of Bhagavad Gita As It Is, along with many other Vedic scriptures translated by Srila Prabhupada, can be found online at prabhupadabooks.com

BG 2.12 2.13 2.20. 2.22 10.10(Every soul/person is eternal and connected to the Supreme)

Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be.
As the embodied soul continually passes, in this body, from boyhood to youth to old age, the soul similarly passes into another body at death. The self-realized soul is not bewildered by such a change.
For the soul there is never birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain.
As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones.
To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.

God / Source / Universal love is eternal and steadfast. It's waiting for us to accept it's reality, and engage in a loving service mood, which brings forth confirmation of divinity's personal love for each being,  from within each heart. For those wanting to tune into and appreciate Divinity in daily life, Sri Krishna mentions:

BG 7.8
O son of Kuntī [Arjuna], I am the taste of water, the light of the sun and the moon, the syllable om in the Vedic mantras; I am the sound in ether and ability in man.

As the sound in ether and ability in man, Krishna's energies work with us and through us, bringing messages of inspiration in many ways including music. Want proof? Stevie Wonder!

Personally, I hear the song and lyrics for "AS"  as both the love we could have for each other, but more inclusively, the love the Supreme unfailingly has for all of His parts and parcels - meaning all of us as individual sparks of the Supreme Spirit - As One love, of One Source, shared by any and many who make that choice.
AS - by Stevie Wonder (Click For Audio)
As around the sun the earth knows she's revolving
And the rosebuds know to bloom in early May
Just as hate knows love's the cure
You can rest your mind assure
That I'll be loving you always
As now can't reveal the mystery of tomorrow
But in passing will grow older every day
Just as all is born is new
Do know what I say is true
That I'll be loving you always
Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky (Always)
Until the ocean covers every mountain high (Always)
Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea (Always)
Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream
Did you know that true love asks for nothing?
Her acceptance is the way we pay
Did you know that life has given love a guarantee?
To last through forever and another day
Just as time knew to move on since the beginning
And the seasons know exactly when to change
Just as kindness knows no shame
Know through all your joy and pain
That I'll be loving you always
As today I know I'm living but tomorrow
Could make me the past but that I mustn't fear
For I'll know deep in my mind
The love of me I've left behind
'Cause I'll be loving you always
Until the day is night and night becomes the day (Always)
Until the trees and seas just up and fly away (Always)
Until the day that eight times eight times eight is four (Always)
Until the day that is the day that are no more
(Did you know that you're loved by somebody?)
Until the day the earth starts turning right to left (Always)
Until the earth just for the sun denies itself (I'll be loving you forever)
Until dear Mother Nature says her work is through (Always)
Until the day that you are me and I am you (Always)
Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky
Until the ocean covers every mountain high (Always)
We all know sometimes life's hates and troubles
Can make you wish you were born in another time and space
But you can bet you life times that and twice its double
That God knew exactly where he wanted you to be placed
So make sure when you say you're in it but not of it
You're not helping to make this earth a place sometimes called Hell
Change your words into truths and then change that truth into love
And maybe our children's grandchildren
And their great-great grandchildren will tell
I'll be loving you
Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky (Loving you)
Until the ocean covers every mountain high (Loving you)
Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea (Loving you)
Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream (Be loving you)
Until the day is night and night becomes the day (Loving you)
Until the trees and seas up, up and fly away (Loving you)
Until the day that eight times eight times eight is four (Loving you)
Until the day that is the day that are no more (Loving you)
Until the day the earth starts turning right to left (Be loving you)
Until the earth just for the sun denies itself (Loving you)
Until dear Mother Nature says her work is through (Loving you)
Until the day that you are me and I am you (Now ain't that loving you)
Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky (Ain't that loving you)
Until the ocean covers every mountain high (And I've got to say always)
Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea (Always)
Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream (Always)
Until the day is night and night becomes the day (Always)
Until the trees and seas just up and fly away (Always)
Until the day that eight times eight times eight is four
Until the day that is the day that are no more (Always)
Until the day the earth starts turning right to left
Until the earth just for the sun denies itself (Always)
Until dear Mother Nature says her work is through
Until the day that you are me and I am you
Until the rainbow burns the stars out in the sky
Until the ocean covers every mountain high
Until the dolphin flies and parrots live at sea
Until we dream of life and life becomes a dream
Until the day is night and night becomes the day
Until the trees and seas just up and fly away
Until the day that eight times eight times eight is four
Until the day that is the day that are no more
Until the day the earth starts turning right to left
Until the earth just for the sun denies itself
Until dear Mother Nature says her work is through
Until the day that you are me and I am you
<![CDATA[What's Really Going On?]]>Sun, 18 Apr 2021 21:38:36 GMThttp://symphonyofspirit.com/blog/whats-really-going-onSeeking The Light Of Truth, Or Perhaps Not?
Sometimes is said that the truth hurts, and that ignorance is bliss. We have probably all understood this, in one context or another.

But the truth that hurts is usually something that we are grateful to know in the long run, and the ignorance which may be bliss first, becomes short-lived once higher truth is revealed over time.
We live in a world where a good portion of people inhabiting a human form are still primarily animalistic, meaning they hold the viewpoint that other creatures only exist to be dominated or fed upon by them, literally of figuratively .

Some two-legged human predators feel that humans other than themselves, are fair game to be enslaved economically, sexually exploited and/or trafficked, cannibalized politically,  cancelled/censored on TV networks, or de-platformed by social media dictators.
Fortunately each person has the facility of independent thought and free-will choice in their own sphere of influence. We may not be able to completely control the environment we are placed in, but we can control how we view it and react to it.
From a spiritual perspective, real knowledge means: 'To understand what is matter, what is spirit, and who is the controller of both."

For those that have no faith or confidence in any type of Higher Power things seem to be controlled by mundane authorities like police, the wealthy, politicians and recently, scientist, any of whom may have questionable ethics or motivations.

For those seeing a divine hand behind the laws of nature, all things manifest according to time, place and circumstance for a specific purpose. Sometimes, many times in fact, things happen just to wake us the hell up.
Each spiritual being inhabits and material body for a short time on this earth - we are all equal on the spiritual platform and in the same boat. Simultaneously, we inhabit bodies which are all different, due to the past desires and karma of each soul.

You and I are conscious energy, eternally connected in spirit to God/Source - our loving Father.

You and I are not the temporary physical body, nor it's skin color.

If we only see ourselves and others as the vehicles we drive - rather than the driver, we are blind to the higher spiritual reality. We tend to forget we are not just a bag of slowly aging flesh and bones.

We serve our highest interest, by re-connecting to our loving source by conscious service to the highest truth, God/Source/Spirit.
Without higher knowledge, people accept the enslavement of ignorance, with it's painful, non-blissful consequences - perhaps thinking it's better not to rock the boat or disagree with louder voices.
We live is a world where the only constant is change; like it or not.

Many think we are in for some big revelations in the public domain, over the next few months, years.

These may include revelation of truths purposely held back from the public regarding political secrets and cabals, trafficking networks of drugs and humans with government complicity, financial manipulations by central banks, and deception and bullying by public health officials, making claims not backed by actual scientific evidence, and the disclosure that we are not alone in the universe.
All this is nothing new in one sense,  nor is this information anything to be afraid of.

We are on earth to gain wisdom and make better choices. We are at a crossroads, where one needs to seek the light of knowledge, and seek intuitive guidance from one's Higher Power / God within.

Being open to higher knowledge and cultivating one's internal connection to God/Source, by paryer/meditation/mantra is a formula which can protect one from all types of unnecessary distress and illusions.

Life is actually meant to be blissful. Blissful life happens naturally, and manifests proportionately to how much one's spirit is freed from the darkness of misconceptions, and embraces the light of eternal spiritual wisdom as revealed by God/Source.

Bhagavad Gita 2.17, 2.20

Know that which pervades the entire body is indestructible. No one is able to destroy the imperishable soul.
For the soul there is never birth nor death. Nor, having once been, does he ever cease to be. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, undying and primeval. He is not slain when the body is slain.

Thousands of years ago, Plato described the allegory the cave, regarding realizing the higher truth of reality and consciousness as revealed by the light of knowledge - and also the fact that not everyone is ready to hear it.
"Shine - Step Into The Light, Shine - So Bright Sometimes, Shine - I Ain't Never Going Back.. Do You Know Who You Are? Do You Know Who Are?
"Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds"